Join us Thursday, June 30th, 5:30-7:30 pm at Works of Wyoming gallery for the opening of our Rated M for Mature Artists show. This show features a variety of work fromWyoming artists at least 60 years of age. Art includes everything from quilts to photos to glasswork. There will be snacks and entertainment as well and it is also a Laramie Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours Event.
Illuminations - Past, Present and Future
Scapegoat by Ray Jordan
A variety of art by Barry O'Riley, Ray Jordan and Jim Jereb is on display at Works of Wyoming until June 24th. Stop by the gallery located in the Laramie Plains Civic Center (710 E Garfield, Ste 271) to view the artwork during our hours we are regularly open: Monday-Friday, 1:00-5:00pm.